If you are wondering how much time you will need to spend on your wedding
planning, there is no set number. Every couple and wedding are completely

Whilst the amount of time will vary all of them will have one thing in common,
it does take time to plan any event.
Maybe you have planned a party or even hosted a bridal shower or baby
shower then you will understand how much time went into this, organising
a wedding will take considerably longer!
There are so many decisions to make, what style of wedding you would
love, the location, how many people will you invite and the lists start before you
have started looking at suppliers, outfits, food, drinks, music and fun ideas to
make your wedding unique to you.
These are all fun tasks but they are going to take up precious time during your
days and weekends. Trying to contact suppliers, getting quotes, not really
knowing who to choose, working out how many of your guests have dietary
requirements, organising your stationery and the list goes on.
But don't fret, here are some top tips for helping you save time planning your
If it is within your budget, and you're struggling for time, hire a wedding planner - especially if you're planning a wedding which isn't local to you. A planner will bring a wealth of experience to you, helping you streamline the planning process and guiding you to exactly what you need to be focusing on.
A planner can also get in touch with suppliers and venues far quicker than you
can as they already have their details, have already forged relationships with them and will know exactly what questions to ask on your behalf. Don't forget venues drown
with enquiries during engagement season, by having a planner working for you
means they are able to get responses faster with all the latest prices for you.
If a planner isn't for you then get organised as soon as you start your wedding
planning. It will make it much easier when you are working on so many details
later on.
You need to be realistic about your wedding budget and concentrate on the
main things first, this will be your ceremony, food and drinks, outfits, rings and
music. Flowers and decorations can be done when you know what you have
already spent on everything else.

Create a doable timeline to get things done, work out how much time you have
to spend on your wedding planning.
Set aside time with your partner, often life gets in the way and it can become
stressful if you find you seem to be demanding their time. Be sensible, work out
a time you are both happy to sit down and plan together. This could be one
evening each week or a weekend for a few hours.
Delegate, get help from your close family and friends, they would love to be involved!
Ask your wedding party to help you with choosing outfits, flowers, hair, make up
styles and shoes.
You don't have to do this alone, you now have some great tips for you to save you
time planning your wedding and get others involved.